2024-25 PV-VC MTAC Recital Guidelines: For Teachers
1. All recital and competition entries must be received on or before the due date, as listed in the Branch directory.
2. All entries must be submitted on the current, correct forms. IF THE ENTRY FORM IS INCOMPLETE OR HAS INCORRECT INFORMATION, IT WILL BE REJECTED. No entries will be taken over the telephone.
3. Please make one check for recital/competition entries payable to PV-VC MTAC. All fees must be mailed to the appropriate chair and postmarked by the entry deadline. No fees will be refunded after a recital entry form is submitted to the program chairperson.
4. Teachers are responsible for keeping a copy of their entry forms.
5. Requests for specific programs or times must not be made, except in the case of extenuating circumstances. The reason for the request must be included on the application. No changes will be permitted after a recital entry form is submitted to the program chairperson.
6. Students must perform the piece or pieces exactly as printed on the program. No substitutions or additions will be permitted.
7. Performers are required to remain throughout the entire program. If a student cannot remain until the end of the program, he/she cannot participate.
8. Performers are required to wear appropriate recital attire. Boys should wear button shirts (tucked in). Suits and ties are suggested, although not required. Girls should wear a dress or skirt and blouse. Jeans, shorts, or mini-skirts will not be allowed. Skirts may be no more than 3" above the kneecap while seated. Flip-flop shoes are not permitted and athletic shoes are discouraged. Students who do not adhere to this dress code may not be permitted to perform.
9. All solo music must be memorized (winds exempt). Simplified versions and/or popular music is NOT permitted. No arrangements or transcriptions will be allowed, except for string and wind instruments. Method book pieces are NOT permitted. Piano entries are limited to original works. Entries must be a minimum of 16 measures. Duplicate pieces within a studio are not permitted.
10. Cameras and tape recorders are not permitted during any performance. Pictures may be taken after a recital. Video cameras may be used providing they do not beep during performances. Parents may only videotape their own children, unless prior permission is granted. Videotaping may only be done from your seat, walking around is not permitted.
11. Teachers must attend and help at the programs they enter students in. Failure to fulfill your job will make your studio ineligible to participate in that recital the following year.
12. Decisions made by the Board pertaining to events fees, locations, and choice of adjudicators will be honored.
Violations to the above policies will make your studio ineligible for future recitals