2024-25 Recital Guidelines for Students
1. Please check your calendar before your teacher submits you for any performance. No changes will be permitted nor fees refunded after a recital entry form is submitted to the program chairperson.
2. Performers are required to remain for their entire program. If you cannot stay, you cannot play. Being a good audience participant and hearing others perform is a valuable musical experience. Failure to comply may result in awards being withheld.
3. Performers are required to wear appropriate recital attire. Boys should wear button down shirts. Suits and ties are suggested, although not required. Girls are encouraged to wear dresses or skirts but may wear dress slacks. Skirts may be no more than 3” above the kneecap while seated. Jeans or shorts will not be allowed. Flip-flops are not permitted. Students who do not adhere to this dress code will not be permitted to perform.
4. Recitals will begin on time and will last approximately one hour. Students are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Students who are late may not be permitted to play.
5. All musicians except wind players must perform their music memorized. No arrangements (wind and string instrumentalists excepted), simplified versions, or pop music will not be allowed unless permission is granted from the program committee. The Ensemble Festival, however, does not have any memorization or repertoire restrictions.
6. If it is necessary for a student to miss a recital, please notify your teacher. An unexcused absence makes a student ineligible for the next recital.
7. Flash photography is not permitted during any performance. Pictures may be taken after a recital. Video cameras may be used providing they do not beep during performances. Parents may only videotape their own children, unless prior permission is granted. Videotaping may only be done from your seat, walking around is not permitted.
8. Cell phones must be turned to silent during recitals.
9. A performers parents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Please, review the guidelines with your guests prior to the recital.
Violations to the above policies may make you ineligible for future recitals. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read the above guidelines and agree to adhere to them.